The 4 Billion Canadian Dollar loan granted by the Canadian Government and Ontario Provincial Government to General Motors Canada and Chrysler Canada is a clear set back to the U.S. Canada Free Trade agreement 1989. As a student in 1989, I clearly supported the move by the then Mr Mulroney's Tory Government for a freer trade between U.S. and Canada.
Now that the U.S. is in a bad shape, Canadians too have to suffer the consequence of failing auto industry. Though I have never been to Windsor which is the Canadian city of Detroit, I could imagine Windsor as a ghost town in January 2009 IF the Harper Government plays Adam Smith's Free Market idea.To restructure a big organization like GM in 3 months will be an excruciating job BUT I know with decades of experience GM, Chrysler and Ford either in Canada or the U.S. could rejuvenate the auto industry again.Furthermore with a zero to 0.25% Fed interest rate, North Americans may now be allowed to turn their purchases toward Big 3 compact models (even if they receive unemployment insurance).I welcome the willingness of Canadian Auto Workers to cooperate with the government and the automakers to prevent more lay offs.
I still remember reading a blog which says she is losing her home BUT she cannot afford to lose her car too! BECAUSE for homeless North Americans now their vehicles are their beds.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
With the 6.7% unemployment rate in The United States, I foresee a gloomy Christmas. Nonetheless this is the first time since 1990 that I am able to wish viewers the spirit of Christmas.
The subject is Jesus ( in Malay it is ISA ). While Christians believe Jesus as the son of God, Muslims believe Jesus is one of the 25 prophets i.e.the last is Muhammad S.A.W. When I was in Canada NEVER EVER I attended any service at any church whether in Saskatoon or Outlook. I believe that ALLAH is my God and Muhammad is my prophet.
I will always remember the 1989 Christmas present given to me by a Caucasian lady. She may now married with kids but that 1989 Christmas present would always remain inside me. She knows who she is!!! (looks like Drew Berrymore in Never Been Kissed)
Merry Christmas.
The subject is Jesus ( in Malay it is ISA ). While Christians believe Jesus as the son of God, Muslims believe Jesus is one of the 25 prophets i.e.the last is Muhammad S.A.W. When I was in Canada NEVER EVER I attended any service at any church whether in Saskatoon or Outlook. I believe that ALLAH is my God and Muhammad is my prophet.
I will always remember the 1989 Christmas present given to me by a Caucasian lady. She may now married with kids but that 1989 Christmas present would always remain inside me. She knows who she is!!! (looks like Drew Berrymore in Never Been Kissed)
Merry Christmas.
Gasoline Prices in Malaysia
AS of today December 16th 2008, price of gas in Malaysia is reduced again by 10 sen. Now
Ron 97 is RM 1.80 per litre
Ron 92 is RM 1.70 per litre
Diesel is RM 1.70 per litre
Thank You again Pak Lah!
Ron 97 is RM 1.80 per litre
Ron 92 is RM 1.70 per litre
Diesel is RM 1.70 per litre
Thank You again Pak Lah!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
GAS Prices & Gross Domestic Product GDP
On December 3rd 2008 the Pak Lah Government reduced the gas prices by 10 sen more. Now
Ron 97 is RM$1.90 per litre
Ron 92 is RM1.80 per litre
Diesel is RM1.80 per litre
Malaysian economy grew remarkably well during the three quarters of 2008. For the
1st Quarter 2008 GDP is 7.1%
2nd Quarter 2008 GDP is 6.7%
3rd Quarter 2008 GDP is 4.7%
Thus, Malaysian economy only need to grow by 1.5% to achieve the target 5% growth for the whole 2008. For 2009 I envisage Malaysia GDP could achieve at least 2.5% growth.
Ron 97 is RM$1.90 per litre
Ron 92 is RM1.80 per litre
Diesel is RM1.80 per litre
Malaysian economy grew remarkably well during the three quarters of 2008. For the
1st Quarter 2008 GDP is 7.1%
2nd Quarter 2008 GDP is 6.7%
3rd Quarter 2008 GDP is 4.7%
Thus, Malaysian economy only need to grow by 1.5% to achieve the target 5% growth for the whole 2008. For 2009 I envisage Malaysia GDP could achieve at least 2.5% growth.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I welcome the move by Malaysian Central Bank i.e. Bank Negara Malaysia to reduce interest rates. Bank Negara Malaysia decided to reduce the Overnight Policy Rate by 25 basis points to 3.25% from the current 3.5% - Hence the ceiling rate now is 3.5% and floor rate is 3% respectively.Even at this current rate I still envisage a downward trend in interest rates.
Effective 1st December 2008, the Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR) for banks will be reduced from 4% to 3.5% - Obviously Malaysian Banks would have more cash thus would be able to provide more opportunities for businesses and the Malaysian public.
Effective 1st December 2008, the Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR) for banks will be reduced from 4% to 3.5% - Obviously Malaysian Banks would have more cash thus would be able to provide more opportunities for businesses and the Malaysian public.
The Malaysian Government has reduced again the price of gas by 15 sen. Now
Ron 97 is RM2 per litre
Ron 92 is Rm1.90 per litre
Diesel is RM1.90 per litre
The trend of crude oil prices to keep on decreasing has prompted Pak Lah to initiate the move for a floor price of gas in Malaysia. Even at RM 2 per litre for the Ron 97 Malaysians are still being subsidized by 30 sen.
Although oil exporting nation like Malaysia is heading for a shrink in oil income, the Government should take that bold move to remove gas subsidies altogether in Malaysia.Maybe it would be hard to swallow (even for me to pay gas at RM3 per litre should world crude oil prices increase again). Nonetheless economic well being of young Malaysians must be considered too.The ceiling price is RM2.70 per litre for Ron 97.
I LOOK forward to the announcement of Malaysian Gas Floor Prices!!!
Ron 97 is RM2 per litre
Ron 92 is Rm1.90 per litre
Diesel is RM1.90 per litre
The trend of crude oil prices to keep on decreasing has prompted Pak Lah to initiate the move for a floor price of gas in Malaysia. Even at RM 2 per litre for the Ron 97 Malaysians are still being subsidized by 30 sen.
Although oil exporting nation like Malaysia is heading for a shrink in oil income, the Government should take that bold move to remove gas subsidies altogether in Malaysia.Maybe it would be hard to swallow (even for me to pay gas at RM3 per litre should world crude oil prices increase again). Nonetheless economic well being of young Malaysians must be considered too.The ceiling price is RM2.70 per litre for Ron 97.
I LOOK forward to the announcement of Malaysian Gas Floor Prices!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
AMERICAN EXPRESS - Bank Holding Company
Federal Reserve has given American Express the right to function as a bank holding company. To me it was a long wait. I remember when I was in Canada (from 18 August 1987 to 28 May 1989 AND from August 21st 1989 to 13 October 1990) University of Saskatchewan students always receive a pre approved AMEX application form in The Sheaf(University of Saskatchewan newsletter). But I never ever fill in that AMEX form. Maybe then AMEX was just a charge card and I am not a Canadian.
I also wonder why a corporation like American Express never really a Bank. In Malaysia we have a company MBF which issue Visa and Master Cards but MBF is not a bank.Since the abolition of Glass Steagall Act 1933 and the formation of IBBEA 1994 and GLBA 1999 we know American banks were very much deregulated. Is deregulation of banks the culprit to the existing American credit crisis beside the securitization of mortgages? We know AMEX would not give out mortgages per se. My guess is that Bush Administration require a boost in Christmas shoppings thereby make the US economy move again. But everybody knows Christmas 2008 will not be a good festive season.My only HOPE is American Express would NOT turn to Chapter 11 that very soon.
I also wonder why a corporation like American Express never really a Bank. In Malaysia we have a company MBF which issue Visa and Master Cards but MBF is not a bank.Since the abolition of Glass Steagall Act 1933 and the formation of IBBEA 1994 and GLBA 1999 we know American banks were very much deregulated. Is deregulation of banks the culprit to the existing American credit crisis beside the securitization of mortgages? We know AMEX would not give out mortgages per se. My guess is that Bush Administration require a boost in Christmas shoppings thereby make the US economy move again. But everybody knows Christmas 2008 will not be a good festive season.My only HOPE is American Express would NOT turn to Chapter 11 that very soon.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Malaysian Gas Prices As At 1st NOVEMBER 2008
Pak Lah Government has reacted. Gas prices in Malaysia was down again by 15 sen as at 1st November 2008. Now
Ron 97 is RM2.15 per litre
Ron 92 is RM2.05 per litre
Diesel is now RM2.05 per litre
The rebate of RM625 given to every car owner will continue until March 2009 when a new scheme will be implemented.
Ron 97 is RM2.15 per litre
Ron 92 is RM2.05 per litre
Diesel is now RM2.05 per litre
The rebate of RM625 given to every car owner will continue until March 2009 when a new scheme will be implemented.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
FINANCE - My Field of Study
I cannot understand why some people said I was forced back to Malaysia in October 1990 because I cannot do engineering courses.Surprise! I do ! When did I take up engineering?....although my physics is quite strong.
The currency crisis 1997 has been a bless to me because since my car crash December 2nd 1990 my mind was brain washed to FORGET EVERYTHING about Canada.BUT I still remember my basics. Whether to peg or de peg a currency, forward market, futures, Options and Swaps.Maybe I did not do well in my Intermediate Managerial Accounting BUT it was just one or two courses. The reason I chose to specialize in Finance was Black Monday crash 1987. I remember on that day and the day after most of my seniors were freaking out and passed out drunk because of the TSE (now TSX)index fell sharply. I never thought that stock market crash would destabilise an economy in such a way. Why does the market passive to reliable information and yet reacted positively to untruth information.....
The recent market crash since the fall of Lehman and AIG to me is another blessing. Thanks to Tim Berners- Lee idea of www. Now I am really revising in depth the mechanisms of Finance and not just remembering what Futures and Options is all about.Or even CDS (in Malaysia CDS refers to Central Depository System and not Credit Default Swap).The calculations of fees on mutual and trust funds versus hedge funds...Its all coming back after 18 years.
By remembering what I learned at Edwards School of Business Saskatchewan has helped me a lot to mentally cure my emotions although the desire to at least obtain a Saskatchewan Certified General Accountant designation is still there. Certainly to get the Certified Management Accountant or Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants C.A. designation IS NOW beyond my reach.I know I cannot get a good job and I won't get anything for remembering Finance per se BUT these memories which helped me to sooth myself beside reading the Quran and pray 5 times a day.
I have more than 65% confidence in the Minister of Finance, Hon Najib who is an Industrial Economics graduate from Nottingham University UK. Apparently Najib would also be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia in March 2009 God Willing!
The currency crisis 1997 has been a bless to me because since my car crash December 2nd 1990 my mind was brain washed to FORGET EVERYTHING about Canada.BUT I still remember my basics. Whether to peg or de peg a currency, forward market, futures, Options and Swaps.Maybe I did not do well in my Intermediate Managerial Accounting BUT it was just one or two courses. The reason I chose to specialize in Finance was Black Monday crash 1987. I remember on that day and the day after most of my seniors were freaking out and passed out drunk because of the TSE (now TSX)index fell sharply. I never thought that stock market crash would destabilise an economy in such a way. Why does the market passive to reliable information and yet reacted positively to untruth information.....
The recent market crash since the fall of Lehman and AIG to me is another blessing. Thanks to Tim Berners- Lee idea of www. Now I am really revising in depth the mechanisms of Finance and not just remembering what Futures and Options is all about.Or even CDS (in Malaysia CDS refers to Central Depository System and not Credit Default Swap).The calculations of fees on mutual and trust funds versus hedge funds...Its all coming back after 18 years.
By remembering what I learned at Edwards School of Business Saskatchewan has helped me a lot to mentally cure my emotions although the desire to at least obtain a Saskatchewan Certified General Accountant designation is still there. Certainly to get the Certified Management Accountant or Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants C.A. designation IS NOW beyond my reach.I know I cannot get a good job and I won't get anything for remembering Finance per se BUT these memories which helped me to sooth myself beside reading the Quran and pray 5 times a day.
I have more than 65% confidence in the Minister of Finance, Hon Najib who is an Industrial Economics graduate from Nottingham University UK. Apparently Najib would also be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia in March 2009 God Willing!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Malaysian GAS Prices As At 15th October 2008
As at October 15th 2008, the Pak Lah government reduced the gas prices again.Now
Ron 97 is RM 2.30 per litre
Ron 92 is RM 2.20 per litre
Diesel is now RM 2.20 per litre
Thank You Pak Lah.
October 15th 2008 is also my 18th year in Malaysia. For the past 18 years I HAVE NEVER been outside Malaysia NOT even to Sg Golok Thailand, Singapore, Sabah or Sarawak. It has been 18 years of HELL in Malaysia.
Ron 97 is RM 2.30 per litre
Ron 92 is RM 2.20 per litre
Diesel is now RM 2.20 per litre
Thank You Pak Lah.
October 15th 2008 is also my 18th year in Malaysia. For the past 18 years I HAVE NEVER been outside Malaysia NOT even to Sg Golok Thailand, Singapore, Sabah or Sarawak. It has been 18 years of HELL in Malaysia.
My Father Was Hospitalised & My Car Problems
On October 11th 2008, my father was admitted again to the Tuanku Ampuan Najihah Hospital Kuala Pilah for asthma treatment.For the past week beginning October 6th I brought my father to the Emergency Department to get his nebulizer (five times) until that Saturday morning when my father himself asked to be admitted.Alhamdulillah my father was discharged yesterday October 14th 2008.
For the past week I was busy with my Perodua Kancil. After having an oil change, the temperature gauge was going haywire until I replaced the water temperature sending unit (what is that?).Then after doing my daily market purchase, my car won't start at all.I knew the battery was still good because I just bought the battery new in October 2006.I brought the car to a car electrician and the man said I have to add an earth wire.Since then my Perodua Kancil has been running well.I hope to do a long distant traveling soon.
For the past week I was busy with my Perodua Kancil. After having an oil change, the temperature gauge was going haywire until I replaced the water temperature sending unit (what is that?).Then after doing my daily market purchase, my car won't start at all.I knew the battery was still good because I just bought the battery new in October 2006.I brought the car to a car electrician and the man said I have to add an earth wire.Since then my Perodua Kancil has been running well.I hope to do a long distant traveling soon.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
His Majesty the King Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin declared on Monday 29 September 2008 that Malaysians would celebrate END OF RAMADAN on Wednesday October 1st 2008.
In the morning I went to the mosque for the sunat Aidil Fitri prayer. Then a visit at the cemetery to recite Quranic verses to my late grand dads and my late grandma on my mother's side.It is custom to visit our closest relatives later.
In the morning I went to the mosque for the sunat Aidil Fitri prayer. Then a visit at the cemetery to recite Quranic verses to my late grand dads and my late grandma on my mother's side.It is custom to visit our closest relatives later.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Eid Mubarrak - Zakat Fitrah
Ramadan is coming to an end. Malaysians would celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri i.e.Eid Mubarrak either Tuesday September 30th OR October 1st.Actually during Ramadan Muslims do not just refrain from eating and drinking from sun rise to sun set. In fact Muslims are also prohibited from sex with the spouse, watch porno dvds, steal even the smallest thing like pencil and of course masturbation DURING THE DAY.I remember in summer 1988 when Ramadan was during the summer.Just looking at the Caucasian girls in my class wearing shorts and loose blouse made my sexual lust to crave BUT alhamdulillah I kept on with my Fasting.
Muslims are also required to pay the zakat fitrah i.e.the price of a bowl of rice for the poor.This particular zakat price in local denomination of a certain location MUST be paid to the Imam or religious leader BEFORE the Eid Mubarrak morning prayer or the sunat Aidil Fitri prayer.For instance for the province of Negri Sembilan Malaysia the zakat per head is RM6.50 ( I paid my zakat at Negri Sembilan State mosque on September 25th 2008)
While in Saskatoon from 1987 to 1990, I always paid my fitrah before the Eid prayer at Saskatoon Mosque.
Muslims are also required to pay the zakat fitrah i.e.the price of a bowl of rice for the poor.This particular zakat price in local denomination of a certain location MUST be paid to the Imam or religious leader BEFORE the Eid Mubarrak morning prayer or the sunat Aidil Fitri prayer.For instance for the province of Negri Sembilan Malaysia the zakat per head is RM6.50 ( I paid my zakat at Negri Sembilan State mosque on September 25th 2008)
While in Saskatoon from 1987 to 1990, I always paid my fitrah before the Eid prayer at Saskatoon Mosque.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
LATEST on Malaysian Gas Prices
On September 25th 2008, the Pak Lah Government reduced the price of Ron 97 and Diesel 10 sen per litre. The new gas price is Ron 97 @ RM2.45 per litre and Diesel @ RM2.48 per litre.
I presume the RM625 rebate is still on until March 2009.
I presume the RM625 rebate is still on until March 2009.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
12 September 2002
My father had his heart surgery at the National Heart Institute Kuala Lumpur (IJN). He was taken into the operation theatre 7.30 am and was only done by 4 pm. Since I was young I have known my father to be a strong man BUT one day in January 2002 he was coughing without stopping only to be transferred to IJN later.The doctor said my father's heart valves need replacement. So the operation went smoothly. Now it has been 6 years and my father still do his part at my banana farm.
As for me I had to check my blood pressure daily a few months back.At one time my BP was 167/104 But alhamdulillah my BP is normal now especially after the birth of my nephew.
(I did my heart Stress Test on 23rd February 2005)
As for me I had to check my blood pressure daily a few months back.At one time my BP was 167/104 But alhamdulillah my BP is normal now especially after the birth of my nephew.
(I did my heart Stress Test on 23rd February 2005)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 8th 1998
On September 8th 1998, an auntie of mine died suddenly of heart attack. She was a civil engineer graduated from University of London United Kingdom. I call her death as a sudden death syndrome.She went to work as usual during the day, did some exercise and jogging in the evening BUT collapsed suddenly at 2130 hours. She was pronounced dead at 2300 hours.She was so young then! she was only 35 years old.Luckily she has no children.May God Bless Her Soul!
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Personal Belongings, Textbooks and Class Notes
Malaysians and especially that wicked MALAYsian women keep on accusing me of not getting through my studies at the then Commerce University of Saskatchewan Canada when I reached Malaysia in October 1990. My return to Malaysia was SUPPOSED to be in July 1991 while my Canadian Student Authorization was VALID until September 1991.
I remember I bought a stereo set at Sears downtown Saskatoon for CAD400 cash in November 1987 BUT I could not remember where I placed my stereo when I left Saskatoon in October 1990.I cannot remember where did I leave my winter boots, sofa, bed and textbooks.
I see no reason why I would abandon my studies at University of Saskatchewan and then to do my FINAL year at a Malaysian University because I knew I left my textbooks, class notes, my winter clothing, my suits and many other personal matters in Saskatoon.
For each Academic Year at Commerce I always obtain grades higher than 60%.
The wicked MALAYsian women who accused me of failing my studies in 1988, also accused me of working illegally in Canada from 1988 to 1990. My summer break in Malaysia from May 29,1989 to August 21,1989 was just an act.I DID not work illegally while in Canada.That is why I obtained my Social Insurance Number.I was NOT in Malaysia in 1988.
READING Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler and other Porn magazines is a must BUT it was just for fun.I drink socially.I don't do drugs and I quit smoking since my car crash Dec 2, 1990.
I DID NOT fail my studies in Canada. I DID NOT abandon my Canadian studies. I DID NOT marry any women while in Canada. I AM STILL SINGLE.
I AM FED UP of staying in Malaysia.
I remember I bought a stereo set at Sears downtown Saskatoon for CAD400 cash in November 1987 BUT I could not remember where I placed my stereo when I left Saskatoon in October 1990.I cannot remember where did I leave my winter boots, sofa, bed and textbooks.
I see no reason why I would abandon my studies at University of Saskatchewan and then to do my FINAL year at a Malaysian University because I knew I left my textbooks, class notes, my winter clothing, my suits and many other personal matters in Saskatoon.
For each Academic Year at Commerce I always obtain grades higher than 60%.
The wicked MALAYsian women who accused me of failing my studies in 1988, also accused me of working illegally in Canada from 1988 to 1990. My summer break in Malaysia from May 29,1989 to August 21,1989 was just an act.I DID not work illegally while in Canada.That is why I obtained my Social Insurance Number.I was NOT in Malaysia in 1988.
READING Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler and other Porn magazines is a must BUT it was just for fun.I drink socially.I don't do drugs and I quit smoking since my car crash Dec 2, 1990.
I DID NOT fail my studies in Canada. I DID NOT abandon my Canadian studies. I DID NOT marry any women while in Canada. I AM STILL SINGLE.
I AM FED UP of staying in Malaysia.
Malaysian Gas Prices
On August 23, 2008 the Pak Lah Government reduced the fuel price in accordance with the global crude oil prices. Ron 97 was lowered by 15 sen to RM2.55 per litre while Diesel is now RM2.50 per litre.
Car owners would still enjoy fuel rebate of RM625 until March 2009.
Car owners would still enjoy fuel rebate of RM625 until March 2009.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Leaving Malaysia - Need a Sponsor
There are many hurdles in order for me to leave Malaysia. First will be the cost. NO one in Malaysia would sponsor my return to Canada whether the Malaysian Government or Private Companies.Obviously my parents and family will turn down my request to continue my studies at Edwards U of Saskatchewan BECAUSE of
1) My reluctance to marry a relative
2) The fear I might convert into Christianity
3) That I will not return to Malaysia when I graduate
4) That I want to abandon my MALAY custom as a way of life.You know like partying around,get drunk, staying together with a women without marriage and stay naked all the time.
5) That I might fail my studies after the first year or I might just abandon my studies just like that.
To renew my International Passport I need RM300. Income tax wise as far as I know I HAVEN'T had any taxable income since I arrived in Malaysia October 1990.To get the visa from Canadian High Commission Kuala Lumpur I need at least RM30,000 as bank guarantee.Buying the plane ticket should be easy.
Food wise ...the whole world knows about Malaysia being the center of Halal Hub. So if I am now in Canada I should not have any problem finding Islamic food, beef, chickens etc.
The wicked MALAYsian women said I would be a beggar if I go to Canada again BUT in reality for every kilogram of bananas I sold I obtained only a portion of the money and sometimes I have to beg to get the money.
1) My reluctance to marry a relative
2) The fear I might convert into Christianity
3) That I will not return to Malaysia when I graduate
4) That I want to abandon my MALAY custom as a way of life.You know like partying around,get drunk, staying together with a women without marriage and stay naked all the time.
5) That I might fail my studies after the first year or I might just abandon my studies just like that.
To renew my International Passport I need RM300. Income tax wise as far as I know I HAVEN'T had any taxable income since I arrived in Malaysia October 1990.To get the visa from Canadian High Commission Kuala Lumpur I need at least RM30,000 as bank guarantee.Buying the plane ticket should be easy.
Food wise ...the whole world knows about Malaysia being the center of Halal Hub. So if I am now in Canada I should not have any problem finding Islamic food, beef, chickens etc.
The wicked MALAYsian women said I would be a beggar if I go to Canada again BUT in reality for every kilogram of bananas I sold I obtained only a portion of the money and sometimes I have to beg to get the money.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
NATIONAL Day and Fasting Month
1) 31 August 2008
MALAYsians celebrate 51 years of independence
2) 1 September 2008
Muslims worldwide would begin the Holy month of Ramadan. Fasting is the third pillar
of the Islamic Faith.This is the month when Muslims would refrain eating and
drinking from sun rise to sun set.
MALAYsians celebrate 51 years of independence
2) 1 September 2008
Muslims worldwide would begin the Holy month of Ramadan. Fasting is the third pillar
of the Islamic Faith.This is the month when Muslims would refrain eating and
drinking from sun rise to sun set.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My Future Wife - must be Caucasian Women
At this age of 40 years old, it is every human being's dream to have a wife and family.I will not deny that.My car crash on Dec 2,1990 had changed my life tremendously. I knew before the accident I was given a bad food by a bad MALAYsian women. It was called "Nasi Tangas or Nasi Kangkang". The rice i.e. nasi was prepared by the bad MALAYsian women by letting perspiration from her vagina fell on to the HOT rice and satanic verses which resemble the Holy Quran were recited on the particular rice. The moment after I ate that Nasi Tangas I felt like hell and being controlled by some one, often hysteria and always talk alone.My stay in Malaysia since October 15, 1990 has been full with RAGGING, BULLY and HELL by that wicked MALAYsian women.I think that wicked women had planned her witch act since my summer break in Malaysia from May 29 to August 21, 1989.She is a bad MALAYsian women.The only way to sooth myself is to pray 5 times a day and read the Holy Quran (Koran).MALAYsians have been humiliating me since Oct 15, 1990. MALAYsian women made me sick.Not even one second since Oct 15, 1990 I feel happy in this country where I was born.MALAYsians looked down on me just because I refused to marry a relative.
One day I will meet that Caucasian women who would convert into Islam and be my wife legally.Honestly I have NO intention of dying in Malaysia.
As a man I am proud that I have had sexual intercourse with a Caucasian Women. The sex was beautiful.But that was then....Due to the witch nasi kangkang my sexual lusts was curtailed only to her the wicked MALAYsian women only although I refuse to budge.
One day I will meet that Caucasian women who would convert into Islam and be my wife legally.Honestly I have NO intention of dying in Malaysia.
As a man I am proud that I have had sexual intercourse with a Caucasian Women. The sex was beautiful.But that was then....Due to the witch nasi kangkang my sexual lusts was curtailed only to her the wicked MALAYsian women only although I refuse to budge.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My first ever plane ride was in a Focker F 28 (in 1971). I flew from Kuantan Pahang to Kuala Lumpur then back to Kuantan again with my father.It was an enjoyable flight i.e.seeing the ground from the sky.My initial ambition was to be a Pilot but as time went by I could not have clear vision , so being a pilot was just a dream.But I like to watch National Georgraphic Air Crash Investigation the series. When the day of my departure to Canada comes, I want to leave Kuala Lumpur on a Western Airline flight. I love to be entertained by Caucasian women flight attendants (especially blond women).The moment I'm in that flight I want to be in a western environment. Never mind about the food as long there is no pork or ham or bacon.Flying with Asian Airlines were good (I've flown with Cathay Pacific and Malaysia Airlines) BUT I prefer Air Canada or British Airways.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Rebate RM625
Alhamdulillah, as I renew my car insurance and road tax a few days ago I received the RM625 rebate given to every car owner in Malaysia.Although as I said earlier that amount was too small, something is better than nothing.With that RM625 I bought myself a new set of spectacles, a study table and paid my car installment for July 2008( last payment due in July 2009). It has been ten years since I change my spectacles i.e.the last time was in July 1997 during the peak of the currency crisis.As the optician told me, I am getting older BUT Life Begins At 40.....
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saskatoon in Memory
It is now nearly 20 years since I left Saskatoon.But I still remember vividly many spots in Saskatoon. If I walk down east on 8th Street East from Broadway, I could see Dr Sheppard's dentist on my right then a petrol kiosk, Jubilee Ford,Grosvenor Park-Safeway on my left, Supervalue on my left....What else did I miss? Oh yes the video store where I used to rent movies.I can also see Canadian Tire Store BUT I look at its website the Canadian Tire Store is on Preston.I thought Canadian Tire is near Wildwood Mall and Zellers.It has been so long and I really miss Saskatoon.With the ongoing summer I'm sure Pike Lake will be a good spot to relax.Night spots will be nice at The Sheraton Top Inn...Oh! its all good memories
Sunday, July 6, 2008
In addition to Malaysian made cars, I have DRIVEN many other models.My father owned a Volkswagen,a Ford Escort,a Nissan Sunny 130Y,and of course the very first Proton Saga.I DROVE all those 3 models(the VW was sold when I was 12th).When I studied at University of Saskatchewan Canada I DROVE most American Big Three Models.Ford Tempo,VW Passat,Chevy Celebrity,Chevy Beretta,Pontiac Sunbird (Sport model),Chrysler Plymouth Sundance, Chevy Sprint, Pontiac Firefly,Pontiac Grand AM (my 1st Outlook trip),Oldsmobile,2 door 87 Honda Accord,2 door 88 Civic,87 Nissan Sentra, Toyota DX,Hyundai Pony,89 Ford Probe (Fuuh!),90 Suzuki Swift, Ford Mercury Sable,Cutless, 88 Honda Prelude,Dodge SUV,Dodge Shadow,Chevy Corsica and 1970's Ford Pinto.I am 90% certain I was right on the car names.My Saskatchewan Driver License has expired but I still keep it in my wallet.I had 2 regrets i.e. I burned the International Driving Permit issued by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) Wildwood Mall on 12th October 1990 AFTER my fateful car crash on December 2nd 1990 and my reluctance to DRIVE Convertible Cars and Corvette.I've DRIVEN as far as Vancouver BC But I drove alone from Saskatoon to Thunder Bay Ontario in February 1989.During my stay in Canada I WAS NEVER stopped either by the provincial police or the RCMP.I never ever had any ticket or summons no matter how fast I DROVE or whether I made the right turn.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
High Crude Oil Prices
On June 5th 2008 the Malaysian Government increased the fuel price 78 sen to RM2.70 per litre while RM1 increase for Diesel.As a consumer with low income I lauded the move made by Pak Lah. If he keeps on giving the subsidies, Malaysia is near to go down under.BUT I am not happy with the rebate given to each car owner. To me RM625 is too low. I think RM1,500 would be a good figure.For my small Perodua Kancil which I bought new in 2002, it will be more than RM50 for a complete fill up.
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