Saturday, October 9, 2010


PM Najib spoke to the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)recently. I think his most interesting topic was Islamophobia i.e. prejudice against Islam as a religion and Muslims as its followers.

The prejudice was evident a long time ago. There were 25 Muslim Malaysians government sponsored students attended College of Commerce University of Saskatchewan in September 1987.Four males and 21 females. One male and one female student was discontinued in September 1988. I was forced to leave in October 1990 and I guess the rests graduated in 1991.

Talking about Islamophobia...There were talks among students since we were the first Muslim batch attended the college. There were other Malaysians at U of S but they were NOT government sponsored. Some of my female friends wore the veil or tudung and that made people asking "nuns are attending school too?". Another student asked who will be the next Abu Nidal.

Another aspect is the 'SAMAK' or cleaning with the soil. Muslims do not eat pork, in fact bacon is a taboo (no offense to actor Kevin Bacon) to us.So each time we move to a new place we have to 'SAMAK' the fridge and the big freezer. The procedure is to clean the fridge 3 times with earth water and 4 times with ordinary water. We have to do the same procedure if we were exposed to dog's waste and saliva. Initially there was a misunderstanding but as time went by my very good friend will always have some earth soil stand by every time I went to her place because each time I went there her puppy will always kiss my hand.

I am not sure about the stringent checks at airports since 9/11. I HAVE NEVER BEEN OUT from Malaysia since 15 October 1990. But taking off shoes to me is nothing. I am NO VIP in Malaysia. Checking out shoes to me is nothing, not much of a problem compared to some Malaysian VVIPs, ex PMs and ex DPMs.

As to building a mosque at New York ground zero I have reservations.Initially the idea was good but as many people opposed it then I guess majority wins. To me Muslims in North America must remember their roots compared to the Caucasians and Metis.

Muslims are not terrorists. A Muslim must believe in 5 pillars of Islam, 6 pillars of Iman, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Even in Malaysia there were many deviant Islamic teachings. Those people just use their followers for their own selfish gains i.e. money, assets and sex. Those deviant Muslim teachings were the roots of terrorism, so to speak.

But I am just an ordinary Muslim. I must admit while in Canada I seldom go to the mosque for Friday prayers. That is why for the last 20 years I tried my best to attend Friday prayers at the mosque. Furthermore I'm going 50.