Tuesday, December 16, 2008


With the 6.7% unemployment rate in The United States, I foresee a gloomy Christmas. Nonetheless this is the first time since 1990 that I am able to wish viewers the spirit of Christmas.

The subject is Jesus ( in Malay it is ISA ). While Christians believe Jesus as the son of God, Muslims believe Jesus is one of the 25 prophets i.e.the last is Muhammad S.A.W. When I was in Canada NEVER EVER I attended any service at any church whether in Saskatoon or Outlook. I believe that ALLAH is my God and Muhammad is my prophet.


I will always remember the 1989 Christmas present given to me by a Caucasian lady. She may now married with kids but that 1989 Christmas present would always remain inside me. She knows who she is!!! (looks like Drew Berrymore in Never Been Kissed)

Merry Christmas.