Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Health and If I have the Money

My doctor's appointment at Hospital Tuanku Ampuan Najihah June 30th gave me a sigh of relief. First my heart is still strong,no artery or valve problems BUT my irregular heart beat rhythm is the doctor's concern. I will be referred to Hospital Serdang near Putrajaya soon. I cannot afford to go to the National Heart Institute.

I imagine if I have the money I would go to University Hospital in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. Maybe I could meet the doctor who was in my Industrial Relation class. Maybe I could meet Amie Gray the cystic fibrosis patient who had a lung transplant. (Readers Digest Asian edition March 2004). Maybe I could meet the lady whom I used to cry upon during my three-year stay in Saskatoon. Also on June 30th I went to the ward where my late father died. I was in tears but it would be nicer if she the Caucasian Canadian lady is in my arms.