Sunday, January 10, 2010


Finally we are now in the first 10 days of 2010. Obviously to me 2009 was a very sad year because I lost many people whom I dearly missed. First my father died 3oth December 2008 then my mother's auntie died of breast cancer. Another uncle died of H1N1 - v - . My grandmother died on 10 November 2009. I was in the bus to Kuala Terengganu with my younger brother (to pick up my brother's car)when my father's sister lost her husband as he prepared himself for Maghrib prayer.

This is what I called fate. It is HIM ALLAH the almighty which created us thus we are bound by His Rulings. Who knows I might die suddenly tomorrow, we are just humans. I believe there is One God which is ALLAH and Mohammed is his prophet. As a Muslim I believe Jesus is one of the 25 prophets a Muslim must know AND JESUS IS NOT THE SON OF GOD.

Those were the things I thought a lot since last Christmas. All of the sudden I remember 'Cengkaring'. I know it was a place but where.Then when the Tanah Abang mall tragedy struck I remember that it was Cengkaring Jakarta airport. I was in Jakarta for 2 weeks from Christmas 1986 to 8 January 1987.

Clearly after the failed Christmas plane attack I would expect a harsh and thorough body inspection if I were to travel to the western world. Certainly it would be nicer if I'm inspected by a female with blond hair.

May 2010 be a prosperous year!!