Monday, April 25, 2011

The Black Sheep

1) When the MSD officers in Toronto told me to go back to Malaysia in Oct 1990, I refused because I knew I would be the black sheep of not only my family but to other Malaysians as well. I still wonder what made me agreed to leave Saskatoon with just a hand luggage. I left behind my personal belongings,textbooks,gifts,valuable class notes and of course the heart of Saskatoon people.
2) During my summer vacation from May 29th 1989 to August 21,1989 I went back to Malaysia briefly.Back then everything was nice. People said to their children " Look at him, study hard so that you could study overseas like him" .Some even invited me to their homes showing their young virgin daughters.
3) But when this black sheep came back to Malaysia in October 1990, everyone laughed at this black sheep. The dialogue was "Don't be like him. He is a bad man , an apostate. He is a failure face (muka kantoi) and don't ever go near him because he has Aids. (One reason of the Dec 2,1990 car crash)
4) Now I remember during the night of the accident my late father was not concerned about my safety but instead asked me how to claim insurance on his wreckage low quality Proton Saga car. No wonder why he left all his properties to his siblings and not to me his eldest son.
5) I know because of me the government decided to stop sending students to study abroad especially in western countries.
                                     THE BLACK SHEEP----
6) But people may think with all their blackmagic they could have my mind and soul. I knew that because someone asked me who was the Saskatoon mayor then. I answered "Mayor Henry Dayday" and they laughed at me. They said I was wrong. I knew I was correct because I double check City of Saskatoon former mayors and there was Henry Dayday 1988-2000. (wikipedia - List of Mayors of Saskatoon)
7) No matter what I do Malaysians will always regard me as the black sheep of Malaysians studying abroad.


Well, if Malaysians accused me of being an apostate then other Malaysians especially the MSD people are munafik (equivalent to apostate too) BECAUSE they promised me it would be just a short stay in Malaysia not 20 years. They promised me the PSD would send me back to Canada the most after one year in Malaysia ,not 20 years.

I CURSE that those Malaysian students studying in Egypt the government paid for their flights recently after the fall of Mubarak ..............